Antonio lleva mas de tres décadas dedicándose al arte del guadamecí, Se llama guadamecil o guadamecí o guadamací al cuero pintado o labrado artísticamente, mientras que si tiene la superficie dorada o plateada se llama guadamecí brocado. Es por tanto, Piel curtida de carnero adornada con relieve, dibujos pintados o dorados; era una piel utilizada antiguamente sobre todo para colgaduras. Antonio dice "en el siglo XVI se fabricaban de guadamecí tapetes de mesa, colchas, colgaduras, biombos y cortinas" Es algo típico de la ciudad de Córdoba, y es un referente que se mantenga este oficio, animando a que mas artesanos se dediquen plenamente a ello.
Antonio has been dedicating himself to the art of guadamecí for more than three decades. Leather painted or artistically carved is called guadamecí or guadamecí, while if it has a golden or silver surface it is called brocaded guadamecí. It is therefore, tanned sheep skin decorated with relief, painted or gold drawings; It was a skin used in the past, especially for hangings. Antonio says "in the 16th century table mats, bedspreads, hangings, screens and curtains were made of guadamecí" It is something typical of the city of Córdoba, and it is a reference that this trade is maintained, encouraging more artisans to dedicate themselves fully to
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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