Sunt din localitatea Corbi, județul Argeș. Lucrez cu acul, tricotez, lucrez şi la război, confecţionez ii, fote, veste, dar și costume populare întregi. E o muncă migăloasă, de obicei lucrez cam o săptămână la un costum mai mic. La târguri aduc de obicei lucruri făcute de mine, dar şi costume vechi, moştenire de familie.
I am from the town of Corbi, Argeș county. I work with the needle, I knit, I also work on the war, I make dresses, skirts, vests, but also whole folk costumes. It's painstaking work, I usually work about a week on a smaller suit. At the fairs, I usually bring things made by me, but also old costumes, family heirlooms.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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