Tania regenta un taller de bolsos realizados con material reciclable, utiliza todo tipo de productos, consiguiendo una terminación asombrosa, ella empezó de niña por afición, y según comenta (No es muy común encontrar talleres que realicen material 100% reciclable, y sería bueno dar promoción, además favorece al medioambiente y se abaratan costes, con un resultado muy optimo
Tania runs a workshop of bags made with recyclable material, she uses all kinds of products, achieving an amazing finish, she started as a child as a hobby, and as she comments (It is not very common to find workshops that make 100% recyclable material, and it would be good to give promotion, it also benefits the environment and costs are reduced, with a very optimal result
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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