Covadonga Molina, está especializada en jardinería, a través de las plantas crea diferentes objetos, siempre le ha apasionado el mundo de la jardinería, y como hacer pequeños objetos con plantas, flores (claveles, buganvillas, rosas, margaritas) en casa y de ahí, crea pequeñas cajas y textiles relacionados. Realiza obras de gran originalidad.
Covadonga Molina, is specialized in gardening, through plants she creates different objects, she has always been passionate about the world of gardening, and how to make small objects with plants, flowers (carnations, bougainvillea, roses, daisies) at home and from there , create small boxes and related textiles. She does works of great originality.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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