Lara tiene un taller propio, donde realiza y decora su propia cerámica, ha llegado a exportar fuera pero le ha costado bastante, por sus problemas con la tecnología, además es maestra en su taller, y enseña a jóvenes aprendices “Cada vez hay menos personas que se dedican al sector de la cerámica” Me gustaría interconectar con personas de Europa que tengan técnicas cerámicas similares y diferentes, para ampliar mi campo de visión, y engrandecer con nuevas e interesantes creaciones.
Lara has her own workshop, where she makes and decorates her own ceramics, she has even exported abroad but it has cost her a lot, due to her problems with technology, she is also a teacher in her workshop, and teaches young apprentices "There are fewer and fewer people who are dedicated to the ceramic sector” I would like to network with people from Europe who have similar and different ceramic techniques, to broaden my field of vision, and enlarge with new and interesting creations.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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