ianca Chircop has been making one-off pieces of costume jewellery for over 10 years. She uses different materials to produce one-of-a-kind costume jewellery pieces that suit both tastes and budgets of different age groups and preferences. Her designs are not repeated, and she can also cater to clients’ customised wishes. In January 2022, she launched Bianca’s Beads and has been operating under this brand since. As part of this project, she also proposed a restoration and recycling project, whereby customers come forward with their used but perhaps sentimental costume jewellery and these pieces are lovingly brought back to life.
ianca Chircop has been making one-off pieces of costume jewellery for over 10 years. She uses different materials to produce one-of-a-kind costume jewellery pieces that suit both tastes and budgets of different age groups and preferences. Her designs are not repeated, and she can also cater to clients’ customised wishes. In January 2022, she launched Bianca’s Beads and has been operating under this brand since. As part of this project, she also proposed a restoration and recycling project, whereby customers come forward with their used but perhaps sentimental costume jewellery and these pieces are lovingly brought back to life.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
L-appoġġ tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea għall-produzzjoni ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni ma jikkostitwixxix approvazzjoni tal-kontenut, li jirrifletti l-fehmiet tal-awturi biss, u l-Kummissjoni ma tistax tinżamm responsabbli għal kwalunkwe użu li jista’ jsir mill-informazzjoni li tinsab fiha.