A sheet and light metal artist, John Grech is the founder of Inkwina. He is a self-taught artist who has been practicing his skill for 30 years, with his work featuring artistic decorative and functional items. All his designs are original and each one is unique, as every article is lovingly handcrafted entirely by hand by John or his son. Although the metal work is the main skill, the paint work makes the items stand out. Vibrant colours, as well as different techniques and textures bring outstanding results. All items, which are weather resistant and can thus be placed in any condition, are exclusively sold at their workshop at the Ta’ Dbieġi Artisan Village.
A sheet and light metal artist, John Grech is the founder of Inkwina. He is a self-taught artist who has been practicing his skill for 30 years, with his work featuring artistic decorative and functional items. All his designs are original and each one is unique, as every article is lovingly handcrafted entirely by hand by John or his son. Although the metal work is the main skill, the paint work makes the items stand out. Vibrant colours, as well as different techniques and textures bring outstanding results. All items, which are weather resistant and can thus be placed in any condition, are exclusively sold at their workshop at the Ta’ Dbieġi Artisan Village.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
L-appoġġ tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea għall-produzzjoni ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni ma jikkostitwixxix approvazzjoni tal-kontenut, li jirrifletti l-fehmiet tal-awturi biss, u l-Kummissjoni ma tistax tinżamm responsabbli għal kwalunkwe użu li jista’ jsir mill-informazzjoni li tinsab fiha.