I'm a comic maker. There was a big small press comic scene many years ago. I started making and publishing my own comics and then I had a big long break during lockdown. It's fashioning artifacts. I don't do artwork and email it to a printer and get it back being all glossy, I’m sticking bits of paper together and scribbling on bits of paper and trying to get them all in the right order. It's always been a good medium for enabling people to express things simply. It can be a very immediate kind of medium and it can be very forgiving. You can create comics in all kinds of different ways. You don't have to be a great artist. My latest comic is book number five of The Adventures of Merit Maotse. It's called The Road to the North.
I'm a comic maker. There was a big small press comic scene many years ago. I started making and publishing my own comics and then I had a big long break during lockdown. It's fashioning artifacts. I don't do artwork and email it to a printer and get it back being all glossy, I’m sticking bits of paper together and scribbling on bits of paper and trying to get them all in the right order. It's always been a good medium for enabling people to express things simply. It can be a very immediate kind of medium and it can be very forgiving. You can create comics in all kinds of different ways. You don't have to be a great artist. My latest comic is book number five of The Adventures of Merit Maotse. It's called The Road to the North.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
L-appoġġ tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea għall-produzzjoni ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni ma jikkostitwixxix approvazzjoni tal-kontenut, li jirrifletti l-fehmiet tal-awturi biss, u l-Kummissjoni ma tistax tinżamm responsabbli għal kwalunkwe użu li jista’ jsir mill-informazzjoni li tinsab fiha.