Um projeto nascido em 2017 muito graças à minha filha pois foi por ela que me encontrei com esta arte que me arrebatou de imediato, tanto prazer me dá e sacia a minha vontade criativa . Aqui poderá encontrar variados tipos e formatos de sabonetes , desde Barras , decorativos a modelos de lembranças para os mais variados eventos como aniversários, batizado, chá de bebê, casamento, comunhão...
A project born in 2017, much thanks to my daughter, because it was through her that I found myself with this art that immediately enraptured me, it gives me so much pleasure and satisfies my creative will. Here you can find different types and formats of soaps, from Bars, decorative models to souvenirs for the most varied events such as birthdays, christenings, baby showers, weddings, communion...
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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