Mari cruz, nació en Ecuador, y a los 27 años, se marcho a España, con su unica experiencia como costurera en una fabrica de el pueblo donde trabajaba, poco a poco, comenzó a estudiar diferentes tecnicas de costura y bordado, para con sus ahorros montar su propio taller en casa, desde donde lleva mas de 30 años, como costurera.
Mari Cruz, born in Ecuador, and at the age of 27, went to Spain, with her only experience as a seamstress in a factory in the town where she worked, little by little, she began to study different sewing and embroidery techniques, with her savings. She set up her own workshop at home, where she has been a seamstress for more than 30 years.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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