Sono nato a Durazzo, Albania una città antica di mare, il 31 o1 1978 adesso ho la cittadinanza italiana. amo le storie antiche sul mondo marino. ho fatto tanti pesci costruiti metà legno trovato in spiaggia, dopo le mareggiate e per metà ferro lavorato da me. in futuro sogno di fare una mostra personale.
I was born in Durres, Albania, an ancient seaside city, on 31 October 1978. Now I have Italian citizenship. I love ancient stories about the marine world. I have made many fish built half out of wood found on the beach after sea storms and half out of iron worked by me. in the future I dream of having a solo exhibition.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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