Robert Caruana, of Beehive Confectionery, specialises in all kinds of Maltese traditional sweets. Amongst many others, he produces traditional nougat, ħelwa tat-tork, imqaret, honey rings, pudding, St Martin’s Pie, jam cakes, macaroons, and coconut balls. He also produces seasonal sweets like carnival cake, figolli, carob sweets, Christmas cake, Christmas logs, mince pies, ginger breadmen, as well as ice cream, candyfloss, popcorn, gummies and many more.
Robert Caruana, of Beehive Confectionery, specialises in all kinds of Maltese traditional sweets. Amongst many others, he produces traditional nougat, ħelwa tat-tork, imqaret, honey rings, pudding, St Martin’s Pie, jam cakes, macaroons, and coconut balls. He also produces seasonal sweets like carnival cake, figolli, carob sweets, Christmas cake, Christmas logs, mince pies, ginger breadmen, as well as ice cream, candyfloss, popcorn, gummies and many more.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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