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Magia firelor

  • Romania
  • Sunt Daniela si va spun: Bun gasit tuturor! Acest site s-a născut din pasiunea mea pentru lucrul de mână. Din dorința de a nu lăsa cunoștințele si experienta să se piardă, odata cu trecerea anilor. Daca m-ar intreba cineva ce inseamna pentru mine crosetatul sau tricotatul, as raspunde ca este hobby-ul care imi hraneste sufletul. Am fost invatata si inspirata de mama si bunica mea, amandoua foarte talentate, atat sa crosetez cat si sa tricotez, inca de la 10 ani. Dupa multi ani de practica si o mare experienta acumulata, pot spune ca am ajuns sa stapanesc acest mestesug. Pasiunea imi permite sa produc in mod prolific creatii unice frumoase, care se pot ridica la rang de arta! Am creat un canal de You Tube, denumit Magia firelor, care ne ghideaza ca, prin magia mainilor noastre, sa transformam firele intr-o gama larga de articole de imbracaminte, accesorii vestimentare, ornamente, jucarii, incaltaminte, etc.Veți găsi tutoriale pas cu pas, chiar si pentru începători. Aici este locul unde imparatasim impreuna placerea si bucuria de a croseta si tricota. Magazinul cu produse il gasiti pe pagina de Facebook denumit “Cadouri unicat, produse hsndmade – Atelierul magic”. Acesta va oferă produse de artă lucrate manual, cadouri unicat, cadouri de lux. Toate comenzile se fac cu cel putin 90 zile inainte. Link-ul magazinului este: Vino alaturi de mine pentru aventuri minunate de crosetat si tricotat! Bucurati-va!

    I'm Daniela and I'm telling you: Welcome everyone! This site was born from my passion for handwork. From the desire not to let the knowledge and experience get lost with the passing of the years. If someone would ask me what crocheting or knitting means to me, I would answer that it is the hobby that feeds my soul. I was taught and inspired by my mother and grandmother, both very talented, to both crochet and knit since I was 10 years old. After many years of practice and a great deal of accumulated experience, I can say that I have mastered this craft. My passion allows me to prolifically produce beautiful one-of-a-kind creations that can be elevated to art! I have created a You Tube channel, called The Magic of Yarn, which guides us how, through the magic of our hands, to transform yarn into a wide range of garments, clothing accessories, ornaments, toys, footwear, etc.You will find step-by-step tutorials, even for beginners. This is the place where we share together the pleasure and joy of knitting and crocheting. You can find the shop with products on the Facebook page called "Unique gifts, hsndmade products - The magic workshop". It offers you handmade art products, unique gifts, luxury gifts. All orders are placed at least 90 days in advance. Come join me for wonderful crochet and knitting adventures! Enjoy!