Sempre tive jeito para fazer trabalhos manuais, mas a história do atelier começou com umas camisolas que pintei para os meus filhos. Depressa passei para a pintura em madeiras. Um dia numa feira de artesanato, uma colega ensinou-me a fazer uma peça em feltro e desde aí nunca mais larguei as agulhas e as linhas. Os tecidos vieram depois, pois queria estampas bonitas e, na altura os feltros ainda não eram estampados. Fiz alguns workshops mas foi no estudo, na tentativa erro que evoluí. Agora não me vejo a fazer outra coisa.
I've always been good at handicrafts, but the story of the atelier began with some T-shirts I painted for my children. I soon moved on to wood painting. One day at a craft fair, a colleague taught me how to make a piece in felt and since then I've never left the needles and lines. The fabrics came later, because I wanted beautiful prints, and at the time felt was not yet printed. I did some workshops but it was through study and trial and error that I evolved. Now I can't see myself doing anything else.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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