Rosa Trinado es bordadora de trajes de luces, Su nombre responde a los reflejos que producen las lentejuelas que lo cubren. Está fabricado en seda y cubierto con un bordado realizado habitualmente con hilo de canutillo de oro, plata o azabache y ocasionalmente con otros materiales como cristal.2 Se trata de una vestimenta tradicional que procede del traje de los majos de finales del siglo XVIII y que acabó convirtiéndose en una ropa exclusiva para ejercer el ritual taurino. Con posterioridad le fueron añadidos diversos adornos, como la montera, los bordados y los alamares. De la mano de sastrería Fermin, Rosa sigue con el taller, y esta segura que una buena difusión, logrará que su labor se conozca en muchos mas lugares
Rosa Trinado is an embroiderer of bullfighting costumes. Her name responds to the reflections produced by the sequins that cover it. It is made of silk and covered with an embroidery usually made with gold, silver or jet thread and occasionally with other materials such as glass.2 It is a traditional clothing that comes from the costume of the majos of the late eighteenth century and ended up becoming exclusive clothing to perform the bullfighting ritual. Later, various ornaments were added, such as the montera, embroidery and alamares. Hand in hand with Sastreria Fermin, Rosa continues with the workshop, and she is sure that good dissemination will make her work known in many more places.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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