As an artisan, Josianne Calleja believes a lot in the potential we have to create. Creating takes place in a variety of ways and this is what makes artisanal work so fascinating. From a young age, Josianne has always been interested in learning new skills and techniques. For the past years, she have been working on jewellery made from polymer clay, stainless steel, and resin, which she produces under the brand Dazzled Collections. Whilst learning new techniques, she also engages in the process of designing her own pieces. Lately, she has also embarked on training in filigree, firm in the belief that searching for and learning new techniques can help in crafting unique pieces.
As an artisan, Josianne Calleja believes a lot in the potential we have to create. Creating takes place in a variety of ways and this is what makes artisanal work so fascinating. From a young age, Josianne has always been interested in learning new skills and techniques. For the past years, she have been working on jewellery made from polymer clay, stainless steel, and resin, which she produces under the brand Dazzled Collections. Whilst learning new techniques, she also engages in the process of designing her own pieces. Lately, she has also embarked on training in filigree, firm in the belief that searching for and learning new techniques can help in crafting unique pieces.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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