Galliana Bonetta, of Studio575 by Galliana, makes fresh natural cosmetics for the body, including soaps, butter, and shampoo, in her home laboratory. All her handmade products are based on natural and vegetarian ingredients and most of them are organic and vegan. The natural oils and butters are blended following a homemade recipe, registered and certified by a chemist, leaving the skin hydrated, soft, and nicely perfumed. All her products are scented by natural fragrances and beautifully coloured with natural botanics and food, such as clay, coal, coffee, tea, mint, pepper, etc. Apart from natural cosmetics, Galliana also produces personalised souvenirs with natural soy wax that are ideal for celebrating events such as weddings, baptisms, graduations, etc.
Galliana Bonetta, of Studio575 by Galliana, makes fresh natural cosmetics for the body, including soaps, butter, and shampoo, in her home laboratory. All her handmade products are based on natural and vegetarian ingredients and most of them are organic and vegan. The natural oils and butters are blended following a homemade recipe, registered and certified by a chemist, leaving the skin hydrated, soft, and nicely perfumed. All her products are scented by natural fragrances and beautifully coloured with natural botanics and food, such as clay, coal, coffee, tea, mint, pepper, etc. Apart from natural cosmetics, Galliana also produces personalised souvenirs with natural soy wax that are ideal for celebrating events such as weddings, baptisms, graduations, etc.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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