German comenzó de niño a a trabajar en el oficio del cuero, en el oficio de su abuelo, y despues de su padre, un oficio que tiene en la familia mas de 100 años, German, se especializó en el cuero plano, aunque hace labores de restauración, lo que más fabrica son cinturones, llegando a tener encargos de mas de 4 meses de trabajo ininterrumpido. Actualmente un sobrino se dedica al mismo oficio, el cuero es totalmente ecológico, y a el le viene el material virgen, de animales de la sierra de madrid, donde desde el material virgen, crea artesanalmente sus obras.
German began to work in the leather trade as a child, in his grandfather's trade, and after his father, a trade that has been in the family for more than 100 years, German specialized in flat leather, although he does restoration, what it mostly manufactures are belts, having orders for more than 4 months of uninterrupted work. Currently a nephew is dedicated to the same trade, the leather is totally ecological, and he gets the virgin material from animals in the mountains of Madrid, where from the virgin material, he creates his works by hand.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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