Ma numesc Magdalena - Lucretia Dumbravescu si sunt florist. Lucrez cu florile de 9 ani si am avut posibilitatea sa invat si sa cresc in aceasta lume minunata alaturi de oameni ce si-au daruit o viata florilor si frumosului, culorilor si parfumului. Am un atelier de creatie florala unde fac buchete si aranjamente florale din flori naturale, plante si flori naturale uscate. Deschiderea catre frumos si arta am primit-o de la mama mea. Acest dar plin de har a crescut si a devenit pentru mine un mod de trai si bucurie. Am avut parte de momente exceptionale de crestere floristica participand la festivaluri nationale (Timfloralis, Simfonia Lalelelor Pitesti) si internationale (Fleuramour - Belgia). ... flori din suflet, pentru suflet!!!
My name is Magdalena - Lucretia Dumbravescu and I am a florist. I have been working with flowers for 9 years and I had the opportunity to learn and grow in this wonderful world with people who dedicated their lives to flowers and beauty, colors and perfume. I have a floral workshop where I make bouquets and floral arrangements from natural flowers, plants and dried natural flowers. I've got the openness to beauty and art from my mother. This gift full of grace grew and became for me a way of life and joy. I had exceptional moments of floristic growth by participating in national (Timfloralis - Timisoara, Symphony of Tulips - Pitesti) and international (Fleuramour - Belgium) festivals. ... flowers from the heart, for the soul!!!
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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