Under the brand Aphrodite Charms, Moraine Labandero produces handmade jewellery such as bracelets, neckless chokers, and many more using natural materials and recycled semi-precious stones, all with a unique style. She also offers the possibility to order custom-made jewellery according to one’s desires, made to measure, and with a very vast type of stones and charms to choose from and be creative with.
Under the brand Aphrodite Charms, Moraine Labandero produces handmade jewellery such as bracelets, neckless chokers, and many more using natural materials and recycled semi-precious stones, all with a unique style. She also offers the possibility to order custom-made jewellery according to one’s desires, made to measure, and with a very vast type of stones and charms to choose from and be creative with.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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