Rafael jodar Gonzalez, es un bordador, se dedica al bordado por afición a la tradición de la semana santa, estudio bellas artes, y desde entonces creó su propio taller, en su casa, reconoce que la tecnología no es su fuerte, pero necesita actualizarse y ampliar y dar visibilidad a su trabajo. Los hilos que se emplean en su bordado son los mismos que sirven para el tejido, aunque no necesariamente, pues depende del tipo de bordado, pero sobre todo se utilizan los de algodón, seda, lana y lino, todos con variados colores y los de plata y oro con las formas diferentes que se adoptan en tejeduría. Con ellos, ensarta a veces gemas, perlas, abalorios y lentejuelas metálicas, a lo que se conoce como bordado con pedrería.
Rafael jodar Gonzalez, is an embroiderer, he dedicates himself to embroidery as a hobby of the Holy Week tradition, he studied fine arts, and since then he created his own workshop, in his home, he recognizes that technology is not his forte, but he needs to update and expand and give visibility to their work. The threads that are used in its embroidery are the same ones that are used for weaving, although not necessarily, since it depends on the type of embroidery, but above all those of cotton, silk, wool and linen are used, all with various colors and those of silver and gold with the different forms that are adopted in weaving. With them, he sometimes strings gems, pearls, beads and metallic sequins, known as beading.
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
New Educational Approaches for IT and Entrepreneurial Literacy of Senior Artisans
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